#mueang phuket
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phukethq · 15 days ago
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FACECLAIM: Tay Tawan - ator DATA DE NASCIMENTO E IDADE: 07/06/1994, 30 anos GÊNERO: Homem cis ETNIA E NACIONALIDADE: Tailandês, tailandês OCUPAÇÃO: Dono do Anna Bar on the Beach É MORADOR OU TURISTA? Morador DISTRITO: Mueang Phuket @hopepht
Com Hope, parece não existir tempo ruim — mesmo nos dias que os estresses do trabalho arrancam dele um xingamento ou outro. Um poço de carisma, está sempre preparado para atender a clientela com um sorriso no rosto e uma lábia que chega a ser perigosa. Alguns o acusariam de acomodado e impulsivo, do tipo que não leva nada a sério, mas Hope defende que ele aproveita a vida e sabe ser feliz onde está: não precisa se tornar um engomadinho e subir a escada corporativa para isso. Suas morais e sua ética são um tanto quanto… flexíveis, é verdade, mas é que mundo é dos espertos. É mais ligeiro e inquieto do que parece; está acostumado a estar sempre em movimento, mesmo que não esteja em alta velocidade. Quando quer, se dedica bastante. A verdade, também, é que ele se importa mais do que parece: tanto que, sob o exterior plácido, coleciona umas tantas inseguranças. Acima de tudo, porém, ele se importa com quem ama. É aí que todo o cuidado, o carinho e a dedicação de que Hope é capaz aparecem. Reluzem. Faria tudo, tudo mesmo, por quem ama.
Hope sempre foi, à sua maneira, uma força da natureza. Vai ver puxou à sua mãe, vai ver aprendeu com ela: depende se você acredita que somos frutos de nossos genes ou de nosso meio. A mãe de Hope? A mesma mulher que, a despeito dos protestos da família, se divorciou do marido ricaço que era pai de seu filho porque se recusava a lidar com um chato de galocha que não sabia tratá-la como merecia. A mesma mulher que se mudou para Phuket para recomeçar, mesmo que a troco de criar o filho praticamente sozinha — embora ali tivesse a ajuda e acolhida dos tios do rapaz. A mesma mulher que, quando engravidou de novo, decidiu por seguir como mãe solteira; não se casaria com um caso de uma noite apenas para se poupar de um estigma. Desde cedo, Hope tentou fazer o que podia para ajudar a mãe e a irmã mais nova. Ajudava nos cuidados de sua nong e ajudava no trabalho da família. Seus professores provavelmente o descreveriam como “esperto, cheio de potencial, mas desinteressado”... o que talvez fosse verdade. Hope estudava… o que lhe interessava; não à toa era quase um prodígio em idiomas. No entanto, vivia mais preocupado com coisas práticas. Nessa vida, já fez quase que de tudo um pouco: toda sorte de trabalho honesto… e nem tão honesto assim. Talvez já tenha passado a perna em alguns farang. Talvez já tenha vendido uns produtinhos pirateados, ou vendido bebida alcoólica nos corredores da faculdade. Talvez. Em sua defesa, se um dia aplicou golpe, sempre foi um golpe tão óbvio que, se alguém caiu nele, foi a seleção natural agindo. De uma forma ou de outra, com o tempo, a família Anantasetthakul conseguiu uma vida mais confortável. Hope conseguiu entrar numa faculdade. Até conseguiu fazer um intercâmbio de alguns meses para a Colômbia, por pura e simples vontade. Graduou-se em Turismo, mesmo que tenha se formado um pouquinho mais tarde que outros colegas. É que sua vida virou de ponta-cabeça quando a irmã mais nova sofreu um acidente que, além de deixá-la por um tempo internada, causou a perda da sua visão. Hope gastou uma parte de suas economias para garantir à garota o melhor hospital, a melhor cirurgia, a recuperação com todo o suporte necessário. Ei, duvide da índole de Hope, do caráter, da honestidade… mas você não pode duvidar da lealdade e do amor do rapaz a sua família. Faria de tudo por ela. E a rotina dessa família mudou bastante após o acidente. 
Anna continuava mais ou menos a mesma de sempre: era a caçula brilhante da família. Mesmo assim, era óbvio que estava enlutada pela sua visão, e pela vida que não recuperaria até segunda ordem. Era óbvio que Phuket não estava totalmente ajustada a pessoas com deficiência. Hope só queria garantir que ela se cuidasse, que recuperasse a confiança e que seguisse seus sonhos. Ela se formaria no que quisesse, faria da vida o que quisesse, e nenhuma barreira de acesso iria impedi-la. Por isso, Hope correu atrás de um bom estágio e arranjou um emprego estável. E continuou naquele emprego, em que foi promovido. Mesmo que o trabalho fosse estressante, desgastante, e se tornasse cada vez mais gratificante. Mesmo que o ambiente fosse tóxico. Mesmo que seu chefe fosse um grandíssimo de um filho da puta. Ele podia lidar.
Ou talvez não. Até uma pessoa tão tranquila quanto Hope tinha seus limites, pelo visto. Até uma pessoa tão incansável quanto Hope podia sofrer burnout. E, naturalmente, nem sua mãe, nem sua irmã, nem ninguém em sua vida, estavam muito felizes em vê-lo daquele jeito. Ele já devia saber que elas não engoliriam alguém fazendo sacrifícios por elas, ainda mais quando aquele sacrifício custava alguém que elas amavam. Hope cedeu: pediu as contas. Pegou a grana que ainda tinha guardada e investiu em um quiosque na praia de Bang Tao, um lugar tranquilo frequentado por gente com grana pra gastar — o tipo de gente com quem Hope aprendera bem a lidar. Ainda tinha a carteirinha de poliglota para lhe ajudar no atendimento. Deu ao seu novo estabelecimento o nome de sua irmã, para manter sua motivação perto, bem perto: diante de seus olhos. Se estava investindo em seu sonho? Bom… veja bem, Hope nunca fora lá muito ambicioso; tinha lá suas vontades e desejos, mas nunca tivera um graaaande sonho de carreira como outras pessoas. Só queria viver uma vida tranquila e feliz, e que as pessoas que amava vivessem o mesmo. Mas, às vezes, ponderava a ideia de abrir um quiosque: de ter seu próprio negócio e viver na praia, sempre conhecendo gente nova, sempre cozinhando algo gostoso, como bem gostaria. Hope torcia para não perder dinheiro com aquele negócio, obviamente. Mas não esperava que ele desse tão certo. Certo a ponto de seu staff quase não dar conta da demanda na alta temporada. O Anna Bar on the Beach estava ali para todo mundo, afinal: para os turistas de carteira cheia, para os mochileiros, para os universitários e moradores humildes que queriam explorar uma praia ‘de elite’. 
Agora, o bendito quiosque virou o xodó de Hope. Implementou projetos para expandir seus serviços e investiu em marketing — um jeito chique de dizer que, hoje, tem influencer divulgando o quiosque, que ele promove uns eventos maneiros, e que, ainda por cima, lá você aluga espreguiçadeira, guarda-sol… e até compra um protetor solar de emergência.
Hoje, Hope pode dizer que está muito mais satisfeito com sua vida. Sua família está bem, e, ufa, ele não colocou tudo a perder e levou ela à falência como tanto temia. Pelo contrário. Hoje o homem se dedica ao quiosque durante o dia e, depois de fechar, senta numa espreguiçadeira e vai dedilhar uma música no violão. Sente que finalmente é reconhecido por seus talentos de que mais se orgulha: por hablar em línguas, ser um cozinheiro de mão cheia e saber tudo sobre Phuket de cor e salteado. Já até conseguiu certa visibilidade por chamar alguém da clientela para dançar cha-cha! De resto, segue resgatando animais, e tem sempre um novo peludinho em sua casa. Ah, e, por acaso, os  seus dias de trambique são águas passadas, tá? Ele jura. O Anna Bar funciona com dignidade, com alvará e tudo o mais.
INFORMAÇÕES OOC: Ela/dela, +18.
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travelella · 2 months ago
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The Big Buddha, Karon, Mueang Phuket District, Phuket, Thailand
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pesquisalitoranea · 1 month ago
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Eu prometi e cumpri, viu? Voltei aqui hoje com um roteiro de 1 dia na ilha de Phuket! Eu espero que você passe bem mais tempo do que isso por lá, mas eu só quero te mostrar o que te aguarda nessa ilha! Vamos lá?
Eu te indicaria começar o seu dia bem cedinho, assistindo o nascer do sol lá na Praia de Kata! Confia em mim, você vai adorar a vibe mais calma e a companhia dos surfistas.
Em seguida, vá direto pro Grande Buda! É uma estátua gigante de mais de 45 metros de altura. Dá pra você ver tudo lá de cima.
Depois, visite o templo Wat Chalong. Vai por mim, você pode não ser budista, mas o lugar é muito bonito, colorido e é um clássico da ilha. Só se lembra que você não pode entrar lá com roupas curtas e nem usando sapatos!
Almoce no Three Monkeys, um restaurante em Mueang Phuket localizado praticamente na porta do Hanuman World. A decoração te leva pra dentro da selva!
Explore Phuket Old Town! O centro histórico é bonito, colorido e vai te surpreender, pode acreditar. De longe, uma das minhas partes favoritas da ilha.
No fim da tarde e à noite, se você procura um agito, vá para Patong! A Praia de Patong é sempre muito movimentada, então com certeza você vai achar algo pra se entreter ali.
Caso a praia não te entretenha o suficiente (e caso você não esteja com a família), passe pela Bangla Road, nossa Las Vegas Tailandesa. Tem de tudo naquele lugar, acredite, mas repetindo: eu não recomendaria para um passeio familiar.
Você pode escolher jantar em alguma barraquinha do Malin Plaza ou em algum dos vários bares de Patong que ficam abertos uma noite inteira! Ah! Se for no fim de semana, você tem a chance de conhecer o Naka Market, que tem uma vibe parecida com a do Malin.
Caso você esteja com a família ou só não goste de um lugar movimentado, fuja de Patong e procure algo mais próximo de Surin que é bem mais reservado (e se quiser algo mais sofisticado, sempre tem a opção de ir ao Black Ginger, só prepare o seu bolso pra desembolsar, ele é, realmente, um restaurante de luxo).
Se você tiver um pouco mais de tempo do que isso, eu super indicaria o passeio à ilha de James Bond, onde foi gravado um trecho do filme, e uma visita à minha Rádio (sim, ela é aberta a visitação), vai que você me encontra por lá?
Não se esqueça de passar o protetor solar e usar roupas confortáveis! Ninguém quer ficar queimado com esse solzão, né?
Créditos do template aqui.
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mensministry · 2 years ago
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Yona Beach Club, 
Koh Kaew, Mueang Phuket District, Phuket, Thailand
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colourme-feral · 1 year ago
Takeover Phuket with Tay Tawan locations IRL
*Officially, each video is titled Takeover (place name) with Tay Tawan, but to make it easier, I've changed the tag to Thailand
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IRL: Banana Beach, Koh He, Rawai, Mueang Phuket District, Phuket 83100, Thailand
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IRL: Hanuman World, 105 หมู่4 ถนนเหมืองเจ้าฟ้า ตำบล วิชิต Wichit, Mueang Phuket District, Phuket 83000, Thailand
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IRL: Carnival Magic, 999 Kamala, Kathu District, Phuket 83150, Thailand
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IRL: Sametnangshe Boutique, 90 หมู่ 2 Khlong Khian, Amphoe Takua Thung, Phang-nga 82130, Thailand
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IRL: Phuket Baba Museum, Phangnga Rd, Tambon Talat Yai, Mueang Phuket District, Phuket 83000, Thailand
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IRL: Old Phuket Town, Mueang Phuket District, Phuket 83000, Thailand
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prapasara · 3 months ago
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Udon Thani
Udon Thani
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Udon Thani (Thai: อุดรธานี, pronounced [ʔù.dɔ̄ːn tʰāː.nīː]) is a city in Isan (Northeast Thailand), the capital of Udon Thani Province and the sixth largest city in Thailand. The city municipality (thesaban nakhon / city proper) had a population of 130,531 people as of 2019, while Udon Thani's urban area, Mueang Udon Thani, has a population of approximately 400,000. Udon Thani is one of four major cities in Isan, the others being Nakhon Ratchasima, Ubon Ratchathani, and Khon Kaen. Together they are known as the "big four of Isan".
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Udon is approximately 560 km from Bangkok. It is a major official and commercial center in northern Isan, Thailand, and the gateway to Laos, northern Vietnam, and southern China.
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The city's economy was boosted by the proximity to Udorn Royal Thai Air Force Base during the Vietnam War and retains reminders of that time in the form of bars, coffee shops, and hotels. "Udon sort of became like Pattaya when the GIs arrived," said a local architect.  "Restaurants serving Western cuisine, hotels and nightclubs sprouted up everywhere to meet their needs. It was an extremely busy city back then." 
The BBC has reported that Udon Thani's Royal Air Force Base was the site of a CIA black site, known to insiders as "Detention Site Green", used to interrogate Abu Zubaydah, Saudi-born Palestinian, believed to be one of Osama bin Laden's top lieutenants. In December 2014 the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) published an executive summary of a secret 6,000-page report on CIA techniques. The report alleges that at least eight Thai senior officials knew of the secret site. The site was closed in December 2002. 
Earlier reports alleged that a Voice of America relay station in a rural area of Udon Thani Province, Ban Dung District, was the CIA black site.
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Udon Thani town municipality (thesaban mueang) with an area of 5.6 km2 (2.2 sq mi) was established on 15 March 1936.  On 27 May 1953, the area covered by the municipality was increased to 8.3 km2 (3.2 sq mi).   As a result of the town's continuing growth, the total area of the municipality was enlarged for the second time to 47.7 km2 (18.4 sq mi). on 31 December 1993.  On 25 September 1995 Udon Thani was upgraded to city municipality (thesaban nakhon),  and is divided into 21 sub-districts (tambons), which are further subdivided into 248 villages (mubans). (chumchon), 130,531 people in 60,659 households.
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Udon Thani International Airport, close to the city centre (within the ring road), serves a number of domestic airports: Chiang Mai International Airport, U-Tapao International Airport (Pattaya), and Phuket, with approximately 24 daily flights to Bangkok (Don Mueang International and Suvarnabhumi Airport).   During the 2020-2021 COVID-19 pandemic flights were reduced to 10-14 daily to  Bangkok airports only.
Udon Thani railway station in the city centre receives four trains daily from Bangkok railway station (Hua Lamphong) including overnight sleepers.
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Asia Pacific Potash Corporation (APPC), a wholly owned subsidiary of Italian-Thai Development PLC, owns the concession to the Udon North and Udon South potash mines and plans to develop them.  Potash deposits in northeast Thailand are believed to contain the world's third-largest—after Canada and Russia—unexploited potash reserves.  Potash is one of the main components of agricultural fertilizer.
Udon Thani has a tropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification Aw). Winters are fairly dry and very warm. Temperatures rise until April, which is hot with the average daily maximum at 36.2 °C (97.2 °F). The monsoon season runs from late-April through early-October, with heavy rain and somewhat cooler temperatures during the day, although nights remain warm. The range of reliably recorded temperatures in the city is from 2.5 °C (36.5 °F) to 44.1 °C (111.4 °F).
Udon Thani  ,  Thailand   ,  Udon Thani Province  ,   อุดรธานี
CR    ::    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Udon_Thani  ,  https://prinkotakoon.blogspot.com/2024/09/udon-thani.html
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joonice-com · 1 month ago
Discover Thailand: A Guide To Must-Visit Spots And Local Favourites
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Discover Thailand, a land of vibrant contrasts where ancient traditions blend seamlessly with modern vibrancy.
Thailand is one of Southeast Asia’s most popular travel destinations, known for its vibrant cities, golden temples, beautiful islands, tropical beaches, and flavorful cuisine.
Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you plan your trip.
Best Time to Visit
Cool Season (November to February): The best time to visit, with mild weather and little rain.
Hot Season (March to May): Temperatures rise, especially inland. Ideal for beach destinations.
Rainy Season (June to October): Higher rainfall and humidity, but fewer tourists and lower prices.
Peak Season: December to February, especially around New Year’s and Songkran (Thai New Year, mid-April).
Getting There and Around
Main Airports: Suvarnabhumi Airport (BKK) and Don Mueang Airport (DMK) in Bangkok, and Chiang Mai International Airport (CNX).
Domestic Travel: Thailand has a great network of domestic flights, buses, and trains.
Public Transit: In Bangkok, use the BTS Skytrain, MRT, and river ferries for convenient travel.
Ride-Hailing: Grab and Bolt are widely used in urban areas for affordable transport.
Top Destinations
The capital, known for its bustling street life, temples, and vibrant nightlife.
Top Attractions: Grand Palace, Wat Arun, Wat Phra Kaew, Chatuchak Market, Khao San Road, and Asiatique.
Food Scene: Street food is everywhere. Try dishes like pad thai, som tam (papaya salad), and mango sticky rice at spots like Yaowarat (Chinatown).
Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai
Chiang Mai: Known for its mountain scenery, temples, and relaxed vibe.
Top Attractions: Doi Suthep, Elephant Nature Park, Night Bazaar, and Sunday Walking Street Market.
Chiang Rai: Famous for the White Temple (Wat Rong Khun) and the Blue Temple (Wat Rong Suea Ten).
Thailand’s largest island, known for its beaches, vibrant nightlife, and resorts.
Top Beaches: Patong (party hub), Kata, and Kamala.
Activities: Island hopping, snorkeling, Phi Phi Islands, Big Buddha, and Phang Nga Bay.
Nightlife: Check out Bangla Road for bars, clubs, and nightlife.
The Islands of the Gulf
Koh Samui: Known for luxury resorts, waterfalls, and the Big Buddha.
Koh Phangan: Famous for its Full Moon Party and serene beaches.
Koh Tao: Popular for diving and snorkeling, with vibrant coral reefs and rich marine life.
Krabi and Surrounding Islands
Krabi Province: Known for its stunning limestone cliffs and islands like Railay Beach.
Nearby Islands: Ao Nang, Ko Phi Phi, and Ko Lanta, great for beach lounging, rock climbing, and snorkeling.
A UNESCO World Heritage site with ancient temple ruins and historical architecture.
Top Attractions: Wat Mahathat, Wat Phra Si Sanphet, and Ayutthaya Historical Park.
Getting There: A popular day trip from Bangkok (about 1.5 hours by train).
Culture and Etiquette
Language: Thai is the official language, but English is commonly understood in tourist areas.
Religion: Buddhism is practiced by the majority, so respect local customs, especially in temples.
Dress Code: Dress modestly for temples (shoulders and knees covered). Lightweight clothing is recommended in the hot climate.
Cultural Etiquette:
Don’t touch people’s heads or point feet at people or objects.
Remove shoes before entering homes and temples.
Show respect to the royal family, as it’s deeply ingrained in Thai culture.
Thai Cuisine and Dining
Famous Dishes: Pad thai, green curry, tom yum goong (spicy shrimp soup), massaman curry, and khao soi (northern curry noodle dish).
Street Food: Thailand is famous for its street food. Try grilled meats, spicy salads, and tropical fruits.
Dining Etiquette:
Use a spoon and fork (not chopsticks, except for noodles).
Many dishes are shared family-style.
Food Markets: Check out night markets for affordable and delicious local food, such as in Chiang Mai and Bangkok’s Ratchada Train Market.
Outdoor Activities and Nature
Diving and Snorkeling: Koh Tao, Similan Islands, and Phi Phi Islands offer excellent spots.
Rock Climbing: Railay Beach in Krabi is a top climbing destination.
Trekking: The northern regions, like Chiang Mai and Pai, offer scenic trekking routes.
Waterfalls: Erawan Waterfall near Kanchanaburi, a seven-tiered waterfall, is worth a visit.
Shopping in Thailand
Popular Items: Silk, handicrafts, spices, herbal products, and clothing.
Shopping Destinations: Chatuchak Weekend Market (Bangkok), Night Bazaar (Chiang Mai), and Central World (Bangkok) for malls.
Bargaining: Common in markets and small shops. Always be polite, and try to negotiate for a better price.
Budgeting and Costs
Accommodation: Budget guesthouses ($10-20), mid-range hotels ($30-70), and luxury resorts ($100+).
Food: Street food costs around $1-3 per meal, restaurant dining $5-10, and upscale dining $20+.
Transport: Public transit and buses are affordable, and trains are great for longer distances. Domestic flights between cities are frequent and budget-friendly.
Health and Safety
Vaccinations: Common recommendations include hepatitis A, typhoid, and, if visiting remote areas, malaria medication.
Water: Stick to bottled water for drinking.
Sun Protection: Sunscreen is essential, especially when on the islands.
Mosquito Repellent: Useful for jungle areas and during the rainy season.
Top Festivals and Events
Songkran (Thai New Year): Mid-April, marked by massive water fights nationwide.
Loi Krathong: Celebrated in November, where people float small decorated rafts on water for good fortune.
Yi Peng: A lantern festival celebrated in Chiang Mai alongside Loi Krathong, where lanterns light up the sky.
Vegetarian Festival: Held in October, mostly in Phuket, featuring parades, rituals, and vegetarian street food.
Packing Essentials
Lightweight, breathable clothing: For Thailand’s warm and humid climate.
Modest attire: For temple visits.
Mosquito repellent: Especially for rural or jungle visits.
Sunscreen and sunglasses: For outdoor activities and beach days.
Universal adapter: Thailand uses Type A, B, and C plugs.
Thailand is a diverse and welcoming destination that offers something for everyone—whether you’re looking for bustling cities, tranquil beaches, cultural sites, or thrilling adventures. With a bit of planning, you’ll be able to enjoy its rich culture, scenic beauty, and warm hospitality.
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schoenes-thailand · 7 months ago
Belgier wurde von Polizei wegen illegaler Pfandleih-Geschäfte verhaftet
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PHUKET: Im Haus eines Bel­giers in Phuket waren mehrere Motor­räder geparkt; Polizeibeamte ent­deck­ten, dass er ein uner­laubtes Pfan­dlei­hgeschäft betrieb und Geld mit hohen Zinssätzen verlieh. Am 25. Mai wurde Pol. Lt. Col. Thep­nom Suwan­narat, Super­in­ten­dent der Ermit­tlungsabteilung 3 der Prov­inzpolizei Region 8, Her­rn Philippe, einen 63-jähri­gen bel­gis­chen Staat­sange­höri­gen, der in Moo 7, Rawai Sub­dis­trict, Mueang Dis­trict, Prov­inz Phuket, wohnt, unter dem Vor­wurf, ein Pfan­dlei­hgeschäft ohne Genehmi­gung betrieben zu haben, ver­haftet. Die Behör­den fan­den Beweis­ma­te­r­i­al, darunter 13 Motor­räder, 1 Mobil­tele­fon und 15 nationale Ausweise (die den Schuld­nern gehören). Die Beamten beschuldigten ihn zunächst, ​“ein Pfand­haus ohne Erlaub­nis zu betreiben, ohne Erlaub­nis das Geschäft mit Pri­vatkred­iten unter nor­maler kaufmän­nis­ch­er Auf­sicht zu betreiben und anderen zu ges­tat­ten, Geld zu Zinssätzen zu lei­hen, die das geset­zliche Lim­it überschreiten”. Der Verdächtige und das Beweis­ma­te­r­i­al wur­den anschließend den Vernehmungs­beamten der Polizeis­ta­tion Cha­long zur weit­eren Ver­fol­gung übergeben. Die Ein­rich­tung von Pfan­dlei­h­häusern wird durch das Pfand­haus­ge­setz von 1962 geregelt, nach dem die Betreiber eine Genehmi­gung der Regierung ein­holen müssen. Das Innen­min­is­teri­um ist für die Prü­fung und Kon­trolle solch­er Geschäfte zuständig. Das Geschäft mit Pri­vatkred­iten unter­liegt dem Finan­cial Insti­tu­tion Busi­ness Act von 2008, der eine Genehmi­gung des Finanzmin­is­ters auf der Grund­lage von Empfehlun­gen der Bank of Thai­land vorschreibt. Nach thailändis­chem Recht dür­fen die Kred­itzin­sen 15 % pro Jahr bzw. 1,25 % pro Monat nicht über­schre­it­en, wenn anderen Per­so­n­en Geld geliehen wer­den soll. - Quelle: Khao Sod englisch   Read the full article
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phukethq · 15 days ago
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FACECLAIM: Jisung - NCT DATA DE NASCIMENTO E IDADE: 17 de fevereiro 2002, 22 anos GÊNERO: Homem cis ETNIA E NACIONALIDADE: Coreano, Coreia do Sul OCUPAÇÃO: Garçom no Yona Beach Club É MORADOR OU TURISTA? Morador DISTRITO: Mueang Phuket @minwoopht
Bastante espirituoso e sonhador, possui um apreço notável por tecnologia e coisas que englobam a evolução humana em geral. Visionário e curioso, é falante e expansivo quando envolvido em algum assunto de seu interesse. Quando criança, almejava profissões heroicas como a de policial, bombeiro, astronauta, muito também influenciado pelos desenhos e filmes que gostava de assistir.
Às vezes pode ser considerado um pouco mimado ou genioso, talvez pela criação no posto de filho e irmão mais novo e toda a proteção que recebeu da família, o que traz, em contrapartida, uma leve rebeldia característica também da pouca idade e maturidade ainda em construção.
Nascido nas primeiras horas de um 17 de fevereiro gelado no ano de 2002, o calor da família aqueceu o coração de Minwoo desde o primeiro instante de sua vida. Muito bem recebido pelos pais, advogados renomados da capital sul-coreana e pela irmã mais velha Sonah, cresceu envolto no conforto, amor e proteção proporcionado por todos.
Criança muito enérgica e espirituosa, Minwoo era fascinado por super-heróis e imerso em desenhos e animações futuristas. Aos poucos, a personalidade rebelde e expansiva se diferenciava totalmente da doçura característica de Sonah. Eram opostos como yin-yang e talvez por isso se davam tão bem. Eram complementares. Além de tudo, era também o único filho homem e a pressão para que tivesse uma carreira tão promissora e renomada quanto a do pai intensificava ainda mais essa rebeldia, fazendo-o seguir o caminho completamente oposto ao esperado: apesar de ter encerrado o ensino médio com louvor e excelentes notas, estava decidido a servir ao exército sul-coreano antes de ingressar em uma universidade, especialmente sendo Direito a de vontade dos pais, coisa que abominava e torcia para que esquecessem completamente quando retornasse do serviço militar. O estava fazendo principalmente para fugir da "obrigação".
Contudo, o sumiço repentino de Sonah após mudar-se para a Tailândia atrás de um suposto namorado alterou completamente os planos e o rumo da vida de Minwoo. Preocupado com a irmã e sua falta de comunicação com a família por meses, decidiu voar para a Tailândia sozinho em busca da filha mais velha dos Bae. Certo de que a encontraria vivendo ao menos decentemente com o homem, o baque foi ainda maior ao encontrar Sonah abandonada por ele, que era um golpista, passando por incontáveis dificuldades financeiras e envergonhada demais para se abrir sobre o ocorrido. Já totalmente inserido no contexto da mentira, decidiu não expor a irmã para os pais, mas sim ajudá-la a se reerguer.
Apesar da dificuldade com o idioma tailandês, que ainda está aprendendo por viver há pouco mais de cinco meses em Phuket, falar coreano e inglês fluentemente foi de muita utilidade para que conseguisse um emprego de garçom no Yona Beach Club, local frequentado por muitos turistas que necessitam de atendimento em outros idiomas.
É visto passeando pela ilha com seu skate, que o leva para absolutamente todos os lugares que precisa ir.
INFORMAÇÕES OOC: Ela/dela, +18
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simbseatrips23 · 9 months ago
Hidden Gems of Thailand: A Guide to Phang Nga's Stunning Beaches
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The Beaches At Phang Nga
Have you ever visited the lush, white sandy Phang Nga beaches? You need to if you are looking for a gorgeous, serene place to relax. Lucky for you, these gems can be accessed easily as part of a Phang Nga Bay tours or a kayaking tour of Phang Nga.
Phang Nga Bay's beaches offer a bustling array of activities for visitors. With numerous restaurants, options for swimming, snorkelling, boat rides, and tours are plentiful. For those seeking peace, there are serene beaches perfect for relaxing and leisurely walking along the sand. If you desire a destination that caters to all preferences, the beaches in the Phang Nga region are an ideal choice.
The most exquisite beaches stretch south of Takua Pa to the area facing Phuket. Several spots remain wild and undeveloped. Before the 1980s, it was possible to stroll along these beaches without spotting a single hotel.
Having introduced Phang Nga, let's explore the notable beaches within its mainland area, starting with Khao Lak Beach.
Khao Lak Beach
Khao Lak Beach, known for its stunning white sands, greets you as you near Phang Nga Province's coastline. "Khao Lak" encompasses the entire 30 km seaside stretch from Khao Lak Beach northward to Takua Pa.
This beach in Phang Nga Bay is ideal for swimming, with its stunning array of uniquely shaped rocks. The area's tranquillity is further enhanced by majestic pine trees, making it a perfect spot for relaxation.
The Chaopho Khao Lak shrine is a revered local landmark deeply respected by the community.
Increasing local businesses have contributed to Khao Lak Beach's self-sufficiency, reducing its dependence on outside ventures. These include numerous seafood restaurants with bamboo and thatch decor, an Italian eatery, and a handful of bars and shops. As a result, visitors have an array of options available. A must-visit is the Siam Turmeric restaurant, conveniently located at the entrance to the road leading to Khao Lak Beach.
Bang Lut Beach
Bang Lut Beach, another secluded gem along Phang Nga's west coast, boasts untouched natural beauty. Characterized by its serene atmosphere, this powdery beach is adjacent to a small fishing village with a quaint pier. With no development on its shores, Bang Lut is enveloped in lush palm and casuarina trees, adding to its tranquil charm.
Natai Beach
This beach stands out for its cleanliness, tranquillity, and untouched nature, making it ideal for relaxation. The gentle waves provide a peaceful setting perfect for photography. Its sandy expanse welcomes leisurely walks along the shore or to the pier, and the stunning sunsets are not to be missed. While it's great for picnics and basking in the evening sun, swimming is less advisable, though still safe. It might explain the limited number of resorts in the area.
Thai Mueang Beach
This beach in Phang Nga Bay boasts clear waters adjacent to pristine white sands. As one approaches the Tableau Naval Base, the landscape gradually ascends into forests and mangroves. Its proximity to the highway enhances accessibility. A unique feature of this beach is its role as a nesting site for sea turtles between November and February. Locals celebrate the hatchlings' journey to the sea each March with the annual "Sea Turtle Releasing Festival."
Sunset Beach
Sunset Beach, nestled within Phang Nga Bay, is renowned for its clear waters, soft golden sands, and gentle tides. The beach is lined with resorts offering stunning waterfront views. For those interested in marine life, snorkelling here provides an opportunity to explore a diverse array of fish and underwater plants.
Khuk Khak Beach
This vibrant beach in Phang Nga Bay is fringed with various resorts. Its crystal-clear waters are invitingly near a quaint fishing village, where visitors can observe local fishermen at work. Amenities such as eateries, shops, a market, and a nearby bus station ensure convenience and accessibility. Behind the beach, visitors will find serene small lagoons.
Bang Niang Beach
As a premier destination in Phang Nga, this beach is ideally suited for families and couples. With its shallow, inviting waters, swimming here is a delight at any time of day. It's okay; rock-free sand also makes for a splendid barefoot stroll, while shell seekers will find plenty to collect and admire.
As a holiday destination, this beach offers plenty to keep visitors engaged. Tours, guided by local agents, are readily available. Numerous bars, restaurants, and shops always ensure something to do. Accommodations are aplenty, with the entire stretch of the beachfront dotted with hotels. The area favours the more lavish, with luxury hotels and residential homes.
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jetsoday · 9 months ago
[香港旅遊優惠]2024泰國布吉新酒店推介|私人無邊際泳池、海景別墅resort、市中心方便之選 https://www.jetsoday.com/%e9%a6%99%e6%b8%af%e6%97%85%e9%81%8a%e5%84%aa%e6%83%a02024%e6%b3%b0%e5%9c%8b%e5%b8%83%e5%90%89%e6%96%b0%e9%85%92%e5%ba%97%e6%8e%a8%e4%bb%8b%ef%bd%9c%e7%a7%81%e4%ba%ba%e7%84%a1%e9%82%8a%e9%9a%9b.html 布吉新酒店|布吉酒店villa|布吉villa私人泳池|大家去泰國除咗去熱鬧嘅曼谷外,第二選擇一定揀有得嘆靚resort同感受陽光與海灘嘅布吉,可以瘋狂去玩水上活動、住下度假酒店、搵間靚cafe同海邊餐廳chill下。小編為大家介紹於近兩/三年開幕嘅11間布吉新酒店住宿、包括擁有私人無邊際泳池、海景別墅resort、市中心方便之選等。 香港航空泰國優惠|官網終於開賣!新航線布吉$ 1,050 起|6月16日正式首航 Phuket Emerald Beach Resort|酒店設有2個大型戲水池 Phuket Emerald Beach Resort布吉翡翠海灘度假村於2023年7月開幕,位於Karon Beach附近,設備相當新淨,酒店設有217間客房,2個大型戲水池,���共有4條不同斜度的滑水梯,小朋友可以盡情嬉水。另外酒店鄰迎購物中心、餐廳非常方便。 經agoda預訂 Phuket Emerald Beach Resort 地址:202, 19 Karon Rd, Karon, Mueang Phuket District, Phuket 83100泰國 (地圖) 電話:+6676639639 Phuket Emerald Beach Resort網站 ▼池景家庭房Family Pool View
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ahmeddawn · 10 months ago
The Ultimate 3 to 5 Day Krabi Itinerary | Best Things to See in Krabi
Best Things to Do In Krabi
Krabi is a stunning province located in southern Thailand, known for its beautiful beaches, limestone cliffs, and lush jungles. It's a popular destination for tourists looking to relax, explore nature, and experience the local culture.
Today, I will talk about everything you need to know to create your ultimate 3 to 5 day itinerary for your Krabi trip.
Bangkok to Krabi
The best way to reach Krabi from Bangkok is to take a flight. Both Suvarnabhumi (BKK) and Don Mueang (DMK) International Airports offer a daily direct flight taking only 1 hr 25 min from Bangkok. Prices are similar from each airport, but I noticed that DMK usually has more flights and better departure times than BKK. 
Choose the airport based on where you are in Bangkok and what time is the most convenient for you.
From Krabi Airport to Your Hotel/Airbnb
There are several ways to reach your hotel from Krabi Airport. You can take a taxi, airport bus, shuttle service, Grab, or private transfer.
I prefer private transfer, as you can book these online long before your trip and they will greet you at the airport to offer a hassle-free transfer to your hotel.
Where to Stay in Krabi
Ao Nang is a popular tourist destination located in the Krabi province of Thailand. It is known for its beautiful beaches, easy access to nearby islands, and a range of activities like kayaking, rock climbing, and diving.
Ao Nang is a convenient base for exploring the best of Krabi, including famous islands such as Railay and Koh Phi Phi, as well as nearby beaches and national parks. In addition to its natural beauty, Ao Nang also offers a vibrant nightlife scene with plenty of bars, pubs, and live music venues.
Overall, Ao Nang is the best central base location to stay and explore Krabi.
Instead of giving a day-by-day itinerary, I will describe what you must not miss in Krabi. This way you will have flexibility to create your own itinerary with the attractions that are important to you.
Island Tours You Must Not Miss
There are so many tours in Krabi that it’s easy to get overwhelmed. However, my top recommendations are the two tours below before you try any others.
1. James Bond Island Longtail Boat Tour
2. Phi Phi Islands Speedboat Day Tour
Pro Tip: Book these tours months before your trip. If you are going to Phuket, you can take these tours from Phuket as well. Compare where (Krabi or Phuket) you’ll get cheaper options. You can shift one or both tours to Phuket if necessary and book other tours not mentioned here.
Top Things You Must Not Miss in Krabi
There are so many things to do in Krabi, but these are my top favourites and you should try these first before doing anything else.
- Visit Railay Beach - a popular spot for swimming, snorkeling, and rock climbing
- Visit the Tiger Cave Temple - a Buddhist temple located on a hilltop, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding area. Warning: There are 1260 steps to climb, so assess your fitness level.
- Experience the local night markets and sample authentic Thai cuisine.
- Visit Ao Nang Beach and other beaches.
- Visit The Emerald Pool and also the nearby Blue Pool, which is a deeper and more vivid pool of water.
- Visit Krabi Town - the main town and the cultural hub of Krabi province.
- Take Elephant Bathing Tour at Elephant Shelter or Sanctuary. Opt for responsible sanctuaries that prioritize animal welfare over exploitative practices.
Pro Tip: Some of these sightseeing spots may already be included in the day tours you are taking, so make sure to avoid duplicates before visiting them. 
Embrace the flexibility this guide offers. Craft your dream Krabi itinerary, incorporating the experiences that resonate most with you, and create memories that will last a lifetime.
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phuketgrappling · 1 year ago
Phuket Grappling Academy
Address: Rawai, Mueang Phuket District, Phuket, Thailand 83130 Phone: 0654047265 Website: https://phuketgrapplingacademy.com/
Founded in 2021, we are one of the first gyms in Asia to adopt an entirely No-gi curriculum (adult) and a modern approach to grappling training.
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thailandtourism · 1 year ago
Culinary Gems: 10 Must-Visit Restaurants in Phuket in 2023
Phuket, Thailand's dazzling island, is not just a trove of spectacular beaches and thrilling water activities. This paradise also offers a wide array of gastronomic delights that will make your foodie heart sing. If you're crafting Phuket tour packages or just looking for the best places to eat in Phuket, here's a curated list of ten restaurants you shouldn't miss.
Baba Pool Club at Sri Panwa
Located amid a large swimming pool, Baba Pool Club offers five-star hotel services to its guests. This restaurant serves multi-national dishes and a variety of drinks.
Operating hours: 11:00 A.M. – 10:00 P.M.
Location: 88/2 Moo 8, Sakdidej Rd., Vichit, Muang Phuket, Phuket 83000
Pint Factory at Limelight Avenue
Known for its luxurious industrial loft ambiance, Pint Factory offers a wide selection of imported beers and a diverse food menu designed to enhance the beer-tasting experience.
Operating hours: 12:00 noon – 11:45 P.M.
Location: Pint Factory, 2/23 Limelight Avenue Phuket Dibuk Rd., Talat Yai, Mueang Phuket, Phuket 83000
SIM SIM’s Restaurant at Blue Tree
Experience a burst of oriental flavors at SIM SIM. Offering authentic Georgian, Azerbaijani, Armenian, and Russian specialties, it provides an array of dining zones to cater to your preference.
Operating hours: 11:00 A.M. – 9:00 P.M.
Location: Sim Sim Restaurant Co., Ltd, 1st Floor, Unit, Blue Tree, 4, 6 Srisoonthorn Road, Srisoonthorn, Thalang, Phuket 83110
COAST Beach Club & Bistro at Centara Grand Beach Resort
COAST Beach Club & Bistro serves international, Thai, and local dishes, including fresh seafood. Relish your meal while marveling at the stunning view of the Andaman Sea.
Operating hours: 11:00 A.M. – 11:00 P.M.
Location: Coast Beach Club & Bistro Phuket, 683 Patak Rd, Karon, Mueang Phuket, Phuket 83100
My Cafe at My Beach Resort Panwa
With an open kitchen, poolside location, and stunning views of the Andaman Sea, My Cafe delivers a unique dining experience, offering authentic Thai food crafted with high-quality ingredients.
Operating hours: 6:30 A.M. – 11:00 P.M.
Location: My Beach Resort, 105 Soi Ao-Yon Khaokhad, Wichit, Mueang, Phuket 83000
Ocean Beach Club at Hilton Karon
At Ocean Beach Club, guests can enjoy international cuisine while sipping cocktails in an impressive atmosphere. The poolside location, overlooking Karon Beach, adds to the dining experience.
Operating hours: 7:00 A.M. – 10:00 P.M.
Location: Patak Rd, Karon, Mueang Phuket, Phuket 83100
The Deck Beach Club at Four Points by Sheraton Patong Beach Resort
Overlooking Patong Beach, The Deck Beach Club offers a laid-back atmosphere for a luxury dining experience with a wide range of food and beverages.
Operating hours: 11:00 A.M. – 9:00 P.M.
Location: Four Points by Sheraton Phuket Patong Beach Resort, 198/8-9 Thawewong, Tambon Patong Rd, Kathu, Phuket 83150
Merlin Kitchen at Merlin Hotel Phuket Town
Merlin Kitchen serves popular Thai cuisine in a relaxing atmosphere. Enjoy authentic Thai food reminiscent of a Thai mother's cooking in this cozy restaurant.
Operating hours: 9:00 A.M. – 9:00 P.M.
Location: Merlin Kitchen at Merlin Hotel Phuket Town, 158/1 Yaowarat Rd, Talat Yai, Mueang Phuket, Phuket 83000
Portosino at Avista Grande Karon
Portosino offers an exquisite dining experience with sophisticated décor and a menu featuring dishes from around the world.
Operating hours: 11:00 A.M. – 10:30 P.M.
Location: Portosino Restaurant, 38 Luang Phor Chuan Rd., Karon, Phuket 83000
On The Roof by Novotel Phuket Kamala Beach
On the Roof, located on the 3rd floor of Novotel Phuket Kamala Beach, offers a serene dining experience on the peaceful and uncrowded Kamala beach. With the hotel located at the beach's end, it provides a tranquil atmosphere perfect for enjoying a meal while taking in the sea view.
Operating hours: 4:00 P.M. – 11:00 P.M.
Location: Novotel Phuket Kamala Beach 118/16 Moo 3 Kamala, Kamala, Kathu, Phuket 83150
As you embark on your journey to discover the culinary gems of Phuket, you'll soon realize that the island's food scene is as vibrant and diverse as its natural beauty. The variety of dining experiences available perfectly complements the multitude of activities included in the most comprehensive Phuket tour packages. Here, the fusion of local and international cuisines creates a gastronomic adventure as thrilling as a deep dive into the crystal clear waters of the Andaman Sea.
These restaurants, embedded in the heart of Phuket, embody the essence of the island - a sublime mix of tradition and innovation. Traditional Thai dishes are lovingly prepared with a twist, employing avant-garde culinary techniques that will surely tantalize your taste buds. Furthermore, the focus on using fresh, local ingredients guarantees not just a culinary feast but a sustainable one at that.
Part of the unique dining experience in Phuket is not just the food, but the locations. You'll find exquisite restaurants strategically positioned to offer breath-taking views of the beach, the sea, and the vibrant life that thrives around them. Whether you're dining under the open sky at 'On the Roof' by Novotel Phuket Kamala Beach or relishing a meal by the pool at the Baba Pool Club, every restaurant visit becomes a feast for the senses.
Meanwhile, the venues' exquisite designs enhance your dining experiences further. From the industrial loft ambiance of the Pint Factory to the sophisticated decor of Portosino at Avista Grande Karon, each restaurant presents an environment that adds another layer to your culinary journey.
Moreover, as you explore the best places to eat in Phuket, you'll appreciate how each restaurant has meticulously curated its menu to complement its ambiance. For example, Pint Factory's diverse food offerings are designed to augment your beer-tasting experience. In contrast, Merlin Kitchen introduces you to the warmth of a Thai mother's cooking, wrapping you in an aura of homey comfort.
If you're looking for a truly immersive experience, a number of these restaurants offer open kitchens, allowing you to witness the magic that transforms raw ingredients into culinary masterpieces. My Cafe at My Beach Resort Panwa, for instance, invites you to watch their culinary experts craft authentic Thai dishes.
The island of Phuket not only offers breathtaking landscapes and thrilling water activities but also tantalizes your taste buds with a rich array of culinary delights. No matter your preference, be it authentic Thai cuisine, international dishes, or a fusion of both, there's a restaurant ready to serve up a memorable dining experience. Make sure to include these ten must-visit restaurants in your Phuket tour packages to ensure your journey includes the rich and diverse flavors that make this paradise island truly unforgettable.
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ghumindiaghum · 2 years ago
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The Phi Phi Islands are an island group in Thailand between the large island of Phuket and the Straits of Malacca coast of Thailand. The islands are administratively part of Krabi Province. Koh Phi Phi or Phi Phi Islands are located in the middle of the Andaman sea, 42 km away from Amphoe Mueang.
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soniagivray · 2 years ago
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Suay! Amazing Restaurant and Coffee and Bar near My place. Brand new opened not a month a go. I know they will succeed! For sure is the atmosphere so cool and cozy. Want come often and spend time here, reading, working or just enjoy life kha …!!! #076atthaimueang #cutecoffeeshop #phangnga #restaurant #chillvibes #thaimueang #happyplace #thaistyle #bar #winelover #supportlocalbusiness #familybusiness #thailand #phuket #phuketfoodies #phangnga (en 076 at Thai Mueang) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co6mxItrGG9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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